Surgery, Orthopedics, Biomechanics, Sutures threadAbstract
Patients with orthopedic problems represent a significant number of cases in the veterinary surgical clinic. In the correction of such conditions, orthopedic materials are needed and among them, surgical threads; knowing that the quality of the yarn used is a critical factor for obtaining good results. However, the properties of certain yarns can be changed with the form of sterilization. For this reason, the objective of this research was to evaluate the mechanical properties of polyamide, fluorocarbon and high molecular weight polyethylene (Dyneema) threads in different forms of sterilization, seeking a thread that meets orthopedic needs. The three threads in similar measurements were evaluated under three different treatments: in natura, chemical sterilization with orthophthaldehyde for 12 minutes and physical sterilization with autoclave at a temperature of 120° for 30 minutes, regarding tensile strength and elasticity. The characteristics were evaluated using a traction equipment to measure the tensile force placed under the wire until it breaks, associated with a ruler to measure and determine the percentage of wire length. The results were compared with information obtained from their manufacturers, between threads and between sterilization methods. After statistical analysis, it was concluded that both sterilization methods were able to change the intrinsic properties of the threads. However, Dyneema was the one that suffered the least interference from the evaluated sterilization methods, being the most appropriate for orthopedic surgeries, presenting greater resistance and less elasticity, in addition to being acquired at low cost when fishing.Downloads
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