Nodular elastosis with cystic comedones in a goat




alopecia generalizada, nódulos cutâneos, radiação solar, dermatopatologia, doenças de caprinos


Solar elastosis or Favre-Racouchot syndrome is described as yellowish and irregular plaques due to prolonged sun exposure and is characterized by comedones and dermal nodular elastosis. Although actinic damage in animals is recognized, nodular elastosis with comedones and generalized alopecia are uncommon in Northeastern production species. This study aims to report a case of nodular elastosis with cystic comedones in a goat. An adult Saanen goat with a history of prolonged and continuous sun exposure developed generalized alopecia associated with multiple firm, rough brownish skin nodules approximately 3.0 cm in diameter in the dorsal cervical region. There were no changes in other body systems than the skin. Skin nodules were biopsied and skin scrapes were obtained for ectoparasites and fungi. In addition, zinc was measured in serum samples by optical emission spectrometry. There were no significant changes in skin scrapings and serum zinc measurements, but through histopathological findings the condition was characterized by dermal elastosis, cystic comedones, furunculosis and sebaceous acinar atrophy. Skin diseases secondary to photoaging have gained prominence in veterinary medicine, especially in breeds of susceptible breeds such as Saanen in northeastern Brazil. In this context, solar elastosis should be differentiated from conditions such as zinc deficiency, dermatophyllosis and photosensitization in small ruminants.


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How to Cite

Vilas Boas, L. P. de S., Melo, E. T., Lima, T. de S., Santos, N. T. A., Silva, J. P. G. da, Sousa, M. S. de, Cruz Pequeno, W. H., & Lucena, R. B. (2024). Nodular elastosis with cystic comedones in a goat. Medicina Veterinária, 18(2), 169–175.



Animal Pathology