Physical Characteristics of Commercial Feeds in Fish Farming in Sena Madureira-Ac, Western Amazon




Agglutination;, Buoyancy;, Food efficiency;, Granulometry;, Leaching.


The objective of this work was to evaluate the physical characteristics of four commercial feeds (B, M, N and S) used on the property by fish farmers, a fattening category with 28% crude protein. Physical resistance (PR) and dry matter leaching (DML) in %, maximum floating time (MFT) in minutes (min), maximum waterproofing time (MWT), maximum turgidity time (MTT) and maximum aggregation time (MAT) in seconds (sec), granulometry (GRA) and uniformity (UNI) in mm were evaluated. It was observed that, for RF, TMI, TTM and LMS, the rations did not differ (P>0.05) and the values varied from 96.9 to 98.6%; 4.50 to 240.0 sec; 180.0 to 930.0 sec and 7.4 to 10.1%, respectively. For TMF, TMA, GRA and UNI, there was a difference between the diets (P<0.05) with values ranging from 1.50 to 311.0 min; 411.0 to 3510.0 sec; 7.0 to 11.0 and 7.6 to 9.2 mm, respectively. Feed M had a longer time (P<0.05) to remain floating on the surface of the water, feeds B and S had longer (P<0.05) until the disintegration of the pellets occurred, while feeds B and M presented mean values ??for the GRA and UNI variables that were lower than the specifications indicated by the manufacturer. It is concluded that testing the physical quality of the feed can help the fish farmer in choosing the best commercial brand available on the market and the best cost-benefit, with greater stability in the water, greater physical integrity and with a shape and size appropriate to the size of the fish.


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How to Cite

Araújo, A. V. de, Costa, D. A. da, Souza, C. L. de, Oliveira, A. V. D. de, Moreira, G. R., & Beber, P. M. (2024). Physical Characteristics of Commercial Feeds in Fish Farming in Sena Madureira-Ac, Western Amazon. Medicina Veterinária, 18(2), 176–182.



Animal Production