Lucilia cuprina maggots in the treatment of necrotic lesion in cat after the use of ectoparasiticide




biotherapy, Calliphoridae, wound healing, Felis catus, larval therapy


With the emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms, the healing of infected wounds has been the subject of constant research. In this context, various alternative therapies have been employed, and biotherapy, although ancient, still faces barriers to its use and lacks information, especially regarding the effects of the Lucilia cuprina species. Therefore, we aimed to report, for the first time, larval therapy using larvae of this species in the healing of necrotic lesions in a domestic cat, following the use of an ectoparasiticide. The feline with an extensive necrotic lesion, piossanguinolent secretion, and myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax on the face, was treated with L. cuprina larvae after using an ectoparasiticide. The treatment was performed in conjunction with other therapies, where it was observed that the patient showed excellent recovery and that the use of L. cuprina larvae was effective in assisting wound healing. The therapy proved to be safe for use in animals, preserving healthy tissues, and thus contributes to the resolution of new clinical cases and the number of fly species that can be used in larval therapy in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Somavilla Lignon, J., Dorneles Machado, E., Roulim Stainki, D., & Gonzalez Monteiro, S. (2024). Lucilia cuprina maggots in the treatment of necrotic lesion in cat after the use of ectoparasiticide. Medicina Veterinária, 18(4), 325–330.



Small Animal Clinic and Surgery