Teaching Practice, Practical Classes, Outside the Classroom, InterventionAbstract
This work aims to provide an explanation of the theory acquired in academia and practice on the school floor, in addition to a description of how the subject Fundamentals and Methodologies in Teaching Arts II (FMEA II), from the Pedagogy Degree course at the Federal University of Agreste de Pernambuco, has impacted the private lives of the students. To better understand the subject studied, we referenced scholars who offer important reflections, including Almeida; Miranda (2015), Freire (1996; 2020), Pimenta; Lima (2004) and Miranda (2009). For this study, we will use action research with a qualitative approach and content analysis, seeking to interpret scholars' perspectives on the proposed theme, in addition to analyzing the lesson plan of the discipline and its gradual importance for classroom practice. This study highlights the significant contributions that the academic classroom experience has on graduates. However, it is necessary to consider training spaces outside the classroom, as the absorption of theory alone is insufficient for graduates to reach their full potential in the classroom. Therefore, we must seek to bring future teachers into contact with both theory and practice on the school floor.Downloads
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