Clinical-epidemiological evaluation of iliopsoas myopathy in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)




Muscle disorder, pelvic limbs, canine myositis, iliopsoas muscle.


Iliopsoas myopathy (IPM) is an inflammatory process of muscles and tendons, being one of the main causes of pain and lameness in dogs. The objective was to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of IPM through specific orthopedic clinical evaluation of dogs in the region, treated at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco regardless of having orthopedic diseases or not. To evaluate the following tests were performed: hip extension with internal rotation of the femur, palpation of the iliopsoas insertion tendon on the lesser trochanter, palpation of the components of the muscle ventral to the body of the ilium and in the ventrocaudal lumbosacral vertebral region. Approximately 29.6% (148) of the 500 dogs evaluated reacted with pain in at least one of the tests, of which 52% presented bilateral pain in all tests performed. 52.6% of patients presented with orthopedic and 21.1% non-orthopedic disorders were positive for IPM. Large dogs (43.8%) and males (37.9%) showed a higher predisposition. Factors such as age (puppies-42.7%), castration (37.7%), overweight (35%) and dogs that lived only on cement floors, earth and lawn (29.8%), were also important in the IPM predisposition. While the degree of activity, access to stairs, step and ramp are not shown as risk factors in this study. There was statistical significance (p<0.05) for the following variables: sex (male), animals with orthopedic disorders, castrated, large, adult, and patients with chronic diseases, being more likely to present signs of myopathy on orthopedic examination from iliopsoas.


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How to Cite

Trajano, S. C., Queiroz, R. A., Breno, Silva, J. C. R., & Tudury, E. A. (2024). Clinical-epidemiological evaluation of iliopsoas myopathy in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Medicina Veterinária, 18(2), 110–120.



Small Animal Clinic and Surgery