Hemipelvectomy for treatment of obstipation and megacolon in a cat with pelvic channel stenosis





bowel obstruction, fecaloma, feline, pelvic narrowing


Among the traumatic injuries observed in felines, pelvic fractures correspond to approximately 20% to 30% of all fractures that affect this species, being present in 80% of cases of recurrent constipation and in 25% of cases of megacolon. This association can be explained due to pelvic canal stenosis resulting from poor union of pelvic fracture consolidations. The diagnosis is based on clinical history, physical examination and complementary imaging tests. Although conservative treatment is a possibility, there may be clinical recurrences of obstructive conditions, requiring surgical treatment. The aim of this study was to report the case of a 2-year-old SRD cat, presenting megacolon secondary to narrowing of the pelvic canal, caused by poor union of a fracture in the acetabulum. Initially, colotomy associated with dietary management was chosen as treatment. But, due to clinical recurrences of constipation, hemipelvectomy to correct the pelvic narrowing was necessary. The technique associated with dietary management proved to be effective in correcting pelvic canal stenosis, as well as resolving recurrent obstructive conditions.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, R. J. de O., Aleixo, G. A. de S., Camargo, K. S., Siqueira Filho, R. S. de, Oliveira, M. C. C. P. de, Araújo, V. V. de, & Sá, F. B. de. (2024). Hemipelvectomy for treatment of obstipation and megacolon in a cat with pelvic channel stenosis. Medicina Veterinária, 18(4), 319–324. https://doi.org/10.26605/medvet-v18n4-6587



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